Ocean Life Science 

We are a research non-profit focused on capacity building to increase ocean observations and sustainable management


A sustainable and globally-relevant ocean observing system, driven by local researchers and institutions, that fills critical research gaps and generates knowledge for sustainable ocean management


Support sustained ocean observations by developing capacity, providing expertise and technical support, and establishing a platform for knowledge exchange

What is the problem? 

What are the critical research gaps that we're trying to fill?

At a national level, we do not have enough capacity and resources to monitor the entire extent of the marine environment, which results in a lack of data and knowledge that is needed to inform effective ocean management policies. This lack of capacity can manifest in various ways, such as a shortage of trained scientists, a lack of funding for research, or insufficient infrastructure for ocean observations. Without sustained observations, it is difficult to understand long-term trends and changes in the ocean, which can make it harder to predict and manage potential impacts on marine ecosystems and human communities. 

There is a need for more hands-on training and opportunities to equip graduate students and early-career scientists to enable good quality marine science that facilitates effective ocean management and decision-making

Objectives of Ocean Life Science

What we do

Monitoring & Research

Capacity building

Knowledge mobilisation

Our goal is to enable the marine science community to do science and research that is robust, meaningful and can make a valuable contribution to sustainable ocean management in the blue economy



